Equality & Diversity Monitoring

We hope that you will help us by completing this form but please be aware that completing the form
is entirely voluntary. Whether or not you choose to complete it will not affect whether you get a
grant. The form is for monitoring and statistical purposes only.

This form does not require your name, is strictly confidential and will be destroyed once the
information is collated.

Although you are not required to fill in this form, we would like to encourage you to do so to enable
us to undertake robust analysis to ensure our processes are fair.

When completing this form bear in mind that the detail below should relate to the applicant.

Please complete the form by ticking the appropriate boxes below and return with your Application

Thank you.

Social Workers Benevolent Trust

Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form

    Region where you live


    Sexual Orientation


    Are you a member of? (Select all that apply to you)
    Hold down the Control/Command key and click the organisation name to select multiple options

    Please specify your organisation:

    Employment Status

    Please specify your status:

    Ethnic Background (Which category best reflects your ethnicity?)

    Please specify your ethnic background:

    Disability (Tick any that are applicable)

    Please specify your disability:

    Do you have caring responsibilities? (Tick if applicable)

    How did you find out about SWBT?

    Please specify how you found us:

    Thank you for completing our form. Just one last question for spam checking.

    Spam check question
    Please put the answer in the box below

    Further information

    Other Formats

    Should you prefer to complete a paper form, you may download and print the form using the button below.