Don’t Wait to Donate!
We urgently need your donation now.
Give a donation to your friends and colleagues in need of your help.
Thank You!
Donate with JustGiving
Donate with PayPal
Leave a Legacy
Donate by Bank Transfer
Account Name: Social Workers Benevolent Trust
Sort Code: 08-90-01
Account No: 50358304
Donate by Standing Order
Download the form SWBT-Gift Aid and and send to
The Treasurer, SWBT,
Wellesley House,
37 Waterloo Street,
Birmingham B2 5PP
Donate by Cheque
Cheques should be made out to SWBT and sent to
The Treasurer, SWBT,
Wellesley House,
37 Waterloo Street,
Birmingham B2 5PP
Will you help us to help colleagues in need?
There are a number of ways you can do this; to find out more, just click on the links below.
SWBT is keeping up a great tradition of benevolence towards those who have fallen on hard times. It provides a prompt and decisive service which is widely respected by all concerned including the other charities and agencies that it collaborates with to do its work.
How to Donate
You can make donations to the Trust by online giving, standing orders, a one-off payment or by leaving a legacy.
Online Giving
We’re on Just Giving……so please find us on Just Giving or use the donate button below. Enter swbt on their Search page and you’ll find us there!
Or, just click this button…
Don’t Wait to Donate! We urgently need your donation now. So go to the Just Giving website using the button and give a donation to your friends and colleagues in need of your help.
Thank You!
We are also set up with PayPal!
The first option is using the PayPal Giving Fund. If you use this option, we receive the entire donation and PayPal covers all transaction fees, but funds usually take 15 to 45 days to arrive.
The second option is with regular PayPal and this will get your donation to us right away, but will charge us a transaction fee of around 3%.
Donate by PayPal Giving Fund (No transaction fee, donations are collected and sent to us once a month)
Donate by PayPal (Donations are received immediately but we pay a transaction fee)
Standing Orders
Download the form SWBT-Gift Aid (clicking the link will download the form, please check your Downloads folder) and return to The Treasurer, SWBT, Wellesley House, 37 Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5PP
One-off payment
Cheques should be made out to SWBT and sent to:
The Treasurer
Wellesley House
37 Waterloo Street
Birmingham B2 5PP
Leaving a Legacy
Include SWBT (Charity number 262889) in your will. More details for leaving legacies are available here
We depend on publicity to reach those who need our support and donors whose financial gifts help with the cost of the grants.
Please share details about the Trust with colleagues..
We value comments about the Trust to our email address