Please consider including SWBT (Charity number 262889) in your will.
Why make a gift in my will to remember the Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust?
A gift in your will costs you nothing during your lifetime and won’t affect you now, but can make a huge difference to the lives of Social Workers and or their immediate families who are experiencing financial difficulties. All money donated to the SWBT goes directly into the SWBT’s charitable account. Due to its association with BASW the minimal administration costs are absorbed by BASW itself.
Do I have enough money to leave a gift in my will?
Every gift we receive from our supporters – large or small – is important to us, and contributes towards changing the lives of Social Workers. Even a small percentage of your estate can make a big difference to our charity, whilst safeguarding both your intentions and your loved ones interests.
What will it cost?
Writing a will is not as expensive as you might think. Solicitors can provide estimates on request, but the cost will depend on how complex your affairs are. You may like to consider writing your will during the month of November with a participating Will Aid solicitor. This scheme benefits several charities, including the SWBT. Solicitors donate their time, and those making their will are able to donate to many of the UK’s favourite causes.
What types of gifts in wills are there?
There are three different types of gifts in wills (legacies): residuary, pecuniary, and specific. Your solicitor will advise on the specific wording you need to use for different types of gifts:
A residuary legacy is when a person leaves a percentage of their estate after all the other legacies have been made and debts cleared. One of the advantages of a residuary legacy is that it has the benefit of being inflation-proof and means you’re less likely to need to update your will in the future.
A pecuniary legacy is a gift of a specified sum of money.
A specific legacy is a gift of a particular item such as books, paintings, antiques, or jewellery.
How do I make a gift to the Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust and what information do I need to include?
All bequests should be left to the Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust and must use our registered charity number: 262889 and the correct registered address: SWBT, Wellesley House, 37 Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5PP
If you wish to remember the Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust in your will, we recommend that you use the following wording:
I leave………… the Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust, Wellesley House, 37 Waterloo Street, Birmingham B2 5PP . Registered Charity Number: 262889.
Will the gift in my will be confidential?
The Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust will act in a professional manner and respect your privacy at all times. We will not pass on any details of your will or confidential information.
If you would like to share your personal reasons or story as to why you have chosen to remember the Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust we would love to hear from you. This can be a great way to encourage others to consider this way to support our work in future.
Financial benefits of leaving a gift in your Will
Legacies are generally exempt from inheritance tax, so a gift in your Will to the Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust could be tax free for us and in some circumstances could reduce the amount of inheritance tax your loved ones are liable for. If you would like more information, please visit the HMRC website.
How will your legacy be used?
If you would like to know how your legacy will be used and the help it will bring, please contact the Honorary Treasurer.