
Image of young man

Who is eligible to apply for an SWBT grant?

The Trust welcomes applications from Social Workers who hold a professional Social Work qualification, or their dependents, from within the UK.

Only in very exceptional circumstances are applications considered from people who do not hold a professional qualification. Eligibility would depend on the nature and length of employment and we would need to see a job description to determine if they are in a post that would normally require a social work qualification.

Which grants are available?

Grants are made for specific small debts or purchases.

The Trust only provides monetary grants. These tend to be for a few hundred pounds only.

Grants are not normally made for:

  • social work training and associated costs,
  • costs of private education, health care or social care,
  • supplementing income to cover daily living expenses.

How to apply for a grant

It is essential that you read the “Essential Notes for Applicants” before completing the Application Form.

Fill out the Application Form and send it to us.

We would also appreciate it if you would also complete our Equality & Diversity form. This is a voluntary form but it can help us with fund raising.

You can send your application form to us by completing the form online, by email or by posting your application form via the postal service.

Wherever possible please complete the Application Form online. It is important to note that no applicant will be disadvantaged should they not be able to complete the Application Form online.

Grant making policy

The Trustees have agreed criteria for awarding grants. Please view the Grant Making Policy for further detailed information.

Related Information

Alternative and accessible formats

If you experience or anticipate any barriers with our application process, require help to make an application, or accessing our information, please telephone BASW on 07702 517 555 for advice.